Family visit & more

6th October 2014

A good journey is measured by friends, not by miles
- Tim Cahil 

Hey guys,

I actually don't have very much to tell you but I thought I'll write another post before I forget everything anyway. xD
Well, one week ago I was in Belgium visiting my family as I mentioned before. We had a really good time and fortunately there was time enough for a short visit at the sea and Ghent.
Although I started learning a tiny little bit of English, it was hard to communicate with my grandparents and we ended up in a mix of German, English and French and my mum had to translate a few sentences.
Of course my relatives were interested in how I experienced my year abroad and in how much my English improved.
I think one of the things that stuck in my head the most was my little cousin (okay probably he isn't even much shorter than me :P) speaking in French to me although he only had 2(?) years of French. His efforts in trying to talk to me were absolutely adorable! From his point of view I'm only fifteen :D

Here are some pictures from our stay in Belgium:

 The sea & dunes

 This direction to Ireland :D

 A WW1 exhabition & trench


Ghent by night


Acutally what I meant to mention as well: I finally finished my pinwall with all the pictures from last year and I think it looks lovely!!
Last Friday and Saturday I was hiking with my parents. The first day we were walking for about 6 hours. Because we started in a touristic region there were many Asian people and I felt like I was in Asia or somewhere! Even though I am not really a big fan of hiking I enjoyed the two days. The second day our aim was to walk from the Griesalp to Kandersteg passing the Blüemlisalphütte. This takes about 7 hours and with the sore muscles from the previous day it was struggle sometimes! But the view over the alps and glaciers were worth all the effort! Looking at all the snow I am waiting for the winter impatiently. I missed the winter a lot last year especially winter sports!

Now as Amy keeps reminding me, Halloween is coming closer. I have a whole program for that night and I'm surely going to take pictures. Amy advised me to do so :P

And as Halloween is near the days until the end of December become less and less as well. 74 days, my friends!!

Thanks for reading this!


