Back in Ireland!!!!

3rd January 2015
True happiness is to enjoy the present, without anxious dependence upon the future.

Hello and welcome back! :)
I know it has been a long time since I wrote something here but since I was back in Ireland for the last week, I thought I better keep you informed.
I saw my host sister before Christmas, so two of my best friends because... they came over to Switzerland! It was my 18th birthday a few weeks ago and they thought they should come over for the party and so they did. It was an awesome weekend! Friday, after we picked them up at the airport, we went to the Christmasmarket in Basel. It was beautiful because there were lights in the trees and a lot of stalls where they sold christmasy things. Unfortunately I had torn my ligament earlier that week so I was walking with crutches but I was still able to enjoy the time. This night we stayed up pretty long because there were so many things we wanted to talk about. Saturday was the day of my party. Firstly we went to Zofingen and I showed them around. Amy wanted to see a Swiss supermarket so we went to Migros too. Then at five o'clock my mum drove us to the woods because the party was supposed to take place there. My friends had already prepared most of the things but I was the one who was allowed to light the fire. xD So we spent a night in the woods and it was nice for me to spend a night with Irish and Swiss friends. Absolutely exhausted and maybe a bit hung over we got up the next morning to go to the mountains. We had planned to go sledding that day but firstly there was no snow and secondly I was still walking with my crutches so we only went for a little walk. The most frequent things I got to hear this day was "ooooh" and "Can I move over, I'm not going back", so I think my friends really did like Switzerland. Now so much about my friends coming over.

Amy, me and Alex in Zofingen

After a few days with my family and Christmas inbetween I left Switzerland on the 26th. I was in Cobh at 10 o'clock at night and I couldn't believe I was back. Although I was very tired, me and Amy stayed up for way too long but it was worth it. We went then to Cork the next day and I did some shopping and we had lunch at a thai restaurant where we wanted to go for ages. The same day we were invited up to Emma's so we had a fun night up at hers. The next day we went for coffee in my all time favourie coffee shop, the funniest thing most probably was that the owner still recognised me after half a year. Monday I visited my horse riding teacher; she had already tacked the horse for me so I could go for a ride but unfortunately this was not possible because of the torn ligament but it was good to see her again. Also this evening, Paddy, Amy's father, didn't have to go to work, so we spent the evening talking, laughing and listening to music. This was exactly what we used to do half a year ago, and it was somewhat strange to be in the exact same situation again. The same day Dianne's brother, his girlfriend and daughter arrived so we had a house full of people. Everyone including myself had the feeling I went never away. Tuesday I dawned my phone because I spilt something over it... bad luck it wouldn't turn on again so I had to have it in rice before I was able to use it again. Wednesday, without my phone xD, we celebrated New Year and we had a brilliant party at Dianne's house. Emma and Alex came down as well, so did Amy's boyfriend. So at this point I wish all of you a Happy New Year! Only Thursday was left now and that day I got to know Camilla, the exchange girl from Italy, which was very nice since I heard a lot about her. And the next day, my holidays in Ireland were already over and only the long journey back home was left. 

Dublin when I arrived.


River Lee in Cork

Down at the rocks skipping stones.

New Year's Eve

It was a very nice time and I can't wait to go back once more!
