To do list

5th February 2014
 Live each day as if it's your last!
Welcome back  :)
I still can't believe that my exchange will be over in 4 months! When I first came 6 months ago, I didn't have any friends, I didn't have a family and I had to speak in a foreign language.
In these 6 months I made some friends, I gained a new family and I learnt English! (Although the accent is a bit funny ;))
Because there are only four months left, I thought I will write a to do list. I saw this on other blogs before and thought it's a great idea!
To do list
  • Mizen Head
  • Dress up for St. Patrick's Day ✓
  • drink a Guinness
  • get invited to a party ✓
  • visit Blarney Castle
  • a Leonardo DiCaprio movie night ✓
  • Valentines party (survive Valentine's day) ✓
  • Pancake day ;)) ✓
  • swim in the sea
  • visit Northern Ireland
  • enjoy the EF Prom/Debs
  • take another 800 pictures
  • go to Dublin again
  • meet up with another Swiss exchange girl
  • to have a great week with my friends and sister
  • to go  to a horse auction
  • to learn a whole sentence in Irish ✓ ( I learnt: I am tired ;))
  • enjoy my exchange as much as possible!!!
I am surprised what is going to happen in these four months! I have another week of school left before we have one week off; I can't wait! My Swiss friends only had three weeks of school after the Christmas holidays and everyone was skiing. I got lots of pictures from the mountains. This one is from my mother and I think it's so nice:
and another one from my friend:
At the moment it's very stormy here. Cork was flooded yesterday and we didn't have electricity. It was freezing but luckily my family has lots of candles so we had some sort of light. To pass time we played Scrabble. The first time in English for me! I think I didn't do too badly!
That's it already for the moment. If you have any suggestions what I need to do while I am here, write a comment!
Thanks for reading
