Busy like hell

14th September  2014
If you stumble, make it part of the dance.
Hello all together :)
Well, the last few weeks were rather stressful than anything else. First of all, me and my friends continued with a really stupid habit, making microwave popcorn during school xD Never offer microwaves to be used for free! :P
Anyway, I went to Aarau with Barbara, the exchange girl from Venezuela. She is really nice but it's just pretty hard to talk to her, because she only speaks Spanish and French. Since I don't speak Spanish (although Barbara wants to teach me :D) I have to communicate in French and that is a huge challenge. Especially for me haha I think I really need to improve my French in one way or another... Probably another exchange to France or Belguim or attend a university in the French speaking part of Switzerland whatever. Back to the story, Lara (my sister), Janine (my friend who visited me in Ireland), Barbara and I went to the horse race in Aarau. It was raining, it was windy, it was cold BUT we had a good time. Do I even have to mention that my sister won a good bit of money due to bets? -.-
Then, the following Wednesday, I arranged to go to visit the University in Zurich. While I was listening to the presentation of veterinary studies I actually changed my mind about what I want to study. I do not think I want to do veterinary anymore: I was sitting in that auditory and I was pretty much sure on how my life will look like in 20 years and I did not like the idea of being restriced to do one job! So ya now I don't have a clue what to do but at least I have another two years to think about it! I'd be interested in something where I can work abroad later on as well or where I travel a lot, but there are years to come anyway. I was also thinking about studying in a French speaking region (why not Belguim since I'm half-Belgian anyway) but have all the courses in English? At the moment I really don't know what I want -.-
After we had seen and heard all about the University, my friend Liliane (she was in America last year), Marina and I went to Wagamama! That was a nice way to spend the evening. When we wanted to catch our train, we got offered free tea and we couldn't say no, so we went looking for the tea shop and nearly missed our train, luckly we just made it!
Marina, Liliane and I
Then, on Friday, I skyped with Amy! :D We are still in touch with each other via Skype, Facebook, Whatsapp... I'm so happy we aren't losing contact or anything!! The same evening Marina came to watch a movie and I can only recommend the movie. It's called Like Crazy. The story line mightn't be the best but the dialouges are not given in the screenplay and therefore improvised throughout the whole movie.
Last Monday I was in Basel to watch the European Championship Qualification between Switzerland and England. Unfortunately, the Swiss team lost but the atmosphere was very special, I never went to see a football match before so... I was going to watch it this time, because Barbara was going and I was invited so I could get to know here a little bit more. I'm sure I got to hear some Spanish curses during the game xD
Two days ago, we had a party at our school and all classes were involved. The whole thing was about different countries and there was for example a Spanish, Brasilian and Hawaiian bar selling cocktails and an American and Mexican stand selling typical food. Our class chose to represent Germany and you may guess it, we sold beer. The whole evening was better than expected but meh I'm not fully convinced. The best bar was the Irish one anyway xD
School in general is very stressful and I'm longing for midterm break. Last week I had a physics exam and I really hate physics. I don't even think I passed that test. What's probably worse, is that I don't care either xD
Also, we had to write a concept about our school trip to Croatia next spring and we finally finished it! Seven pages, written on the computer, what??
In our English classes, we are reading Animal Farm, a book about the events happening in Russia in the early 20th century. Very interesting and actually so easy to read for me having had that exact topic in Ireland already. Thank you so much!! :)
Other than that, nothing has really happened over here... I feel like autumn is crawling in, pumpkins start to appear everywhere... two more weeks and I'll be on midterm and going to visit my family in Belgium... I think I haven't seen my aunties, oncles and cousins in more than two years!
Very important for me: Only 96 days until my three friends from Ireland are coming over!!!!!!
Thank you for reading this and sorry if it's a little bit messy :/


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