The last few day left...

4th June 2014
We're all traveling through time together, every day of our lives. All we can do is do our best to relish this remarkable ride.  -from the movie About Time
Welcome back on my blog! :)
The last five week I went to school in Ireland were flying! I made so many good friends that school was enjoyable! Even if I didn't feel too well, my friends managed to make me see the positive things. Every laugh and every joke made every day special and remarkable!
During the last weeks I tried to spend as much time as possible with my friends, knowing there isn't much time left...
Amy and I were up in Cork a few time and I managed to buy a volleyball. After I made Amy play Volleyball and she surprisingly likes it! I know I am a mean person... We also went to the cinema to see Godzilla. Amy thought it was fantastic; I wasn't too sure about it.
I was really touched, when my Religion teacher organised to go down to the coffee shop to "celebrate" my last day in school. I thought this was a really nice way to say goodbye to all the students I was going to school with for a year.
My Irish teacher was so nice and told me, that it was always a pleasure to have me in her class and she even gave me a hug. Irish people are so nice!

My Religion Class

Foto: Wooh had a bonfire down at the beach today :D I'm definitely going to enjoy the last month in Ireland! You are the queen of fire Amy!! :PI probably shouldn't write this where everyone can see it, but me and Amy had an illegal bonfire down at the beach. Since we know that there isn't much more time left, we feel like we have to do stupid things we will remember even after I have left.
I am absolutely amazed how well me and Amy got on during this year. We didn't argue one single time and I cannot imagine how it'll be to live without Amy. I think Amy is the exact same... I realized that I am quite emotional, I start crying all the time at the moment and I'm nearly crying writing this blog. It's going to be so weird going back to my "old" life that won't be the same anymore...
Last week, Amy's uncle came over from England and we had a really good week. We visited the Ring of Kerry, Killarney and Gougane Barra:

Gougane Barra

Gougane Barra

Cork and Kerry Moutains :)

Me and my hostmum

Dianne and Craig

Me and Paddy in front of the Torc waterfalls

I also wrote my summer exam but I wasn't really in the mood to study so I never started studying until the day before I had the exam... Probably not the best idea considering I had to revise all the stuff we did during the whole year. I was surprised how well they went though!

To celebrate the start of the summer holidays, Alex, Emma, Amy and I went to Cork and to the cinema. We watched A Million Ways to die in the West. The movie was so funny although some jokes were just a bit too much. If you saw Ted and liked it you should definitely watch this movie as well! Before we went to the cinema we had some burritos. It probably doesn't sound funny at all just writing about it but Amy found a part of a stem of the Avocado in her burrito and this was enough to make her cry!
Foto: Great night in Cork!

On Saturday we were invited to the birthday party of Alex's dad. Me and Amy were both very nervous but it turned out to be an enjoyable night!

I am very lucky I managed to stay an extra two weeks in Ireland! This morning me and Amy said goodbye to the other exchange student... I don't know if I will be able to cope when I have to say goodbye to my host family. There will be many tears, to say the least! Anyway we had a little leaving party on Sunday and we took lots of pictures!!

Amy, Mina, me, Azusa andMarie

Me, Eric and Amy

Yesterday my host family and I picked the pictures we want to have in our photo album. It's pretty hard to choose 100 pictures out of 2000!

On Sunday I saw my Swiss friend, Anna. She was staying in Ireland for half a year and we were always saying we should meet up one day and we finally managed to! We went to Cork and saw the Before I die Wall and her and her brother came to Cobh after. It was a great day and it was nice to see some Swiss people!

Nicola, Anna and I in Cobh

The Before I die Wall

This Friday I'm going to have my leaving party and tomorrow I'm going to Cork to get all the stuff we will need.

I'm sorry if this post is very messy but I'm not able to concentrate at the moment...

What I wanted to mention in this blog as well were the advantages the year brought. I would say my English definitely improved and I found a second family in Ireland! And even though it says I'm Swiss in my passport I feel like there must be a spot in my heart saying I'm Irish. I made so many good friends during this year and I hope I will be able to keep in touch with all those people!

I should probably stop before this get to sad and sentimental... (I'm nearly cying again xD)

Thanks for reading all through it and I hope I will be able to write another few blogs before I return back to Switzerland!!

