Awesome stuff

13th May 2014
Welcome back on my blog!
As you can see it took me over a month to write another blog... I suppose I was just too lazy. I'm really sorry. Therefore I'm going to write a long, nice one this time!
As I mentioned before, my friends were coming over and we had a fantastic week! The feeling of seeing my friends and sister after almost 8 months was incredible! We did loads of stuff in this week, because none of my friends had been to Ireland before.
On Sunday we visited Blarney Castle and kissed the Blarney stone! It was so nice to spend time with my host family, my Irish friends and my Swiss friends!!
Blarney Castle
Lara, Judith and Janine
On Monday we visited Fota Wildlife Park. My sister got my camera and I got over 800 pictures during the week!!
Tuesday, we just relaxed and enjoyed the time together. In the afternoon I took my friends horse riding. I think the space and the huge fields in Ireland impressed my them. Especially Judith, who wants to become a farmer, though Ireland is amazing! We figured out that a field in Ireland is the seize of a whole farm in Switzerland! Isn't that crazy? Unfortunately I don't have pictures from that day, but it was a good day anyway!
It was really weird to speak Swissgerman to my friends... I didn't think it would be that hard, but I mixed up the languages all the time and I had to concentrate to find the words in German.
On Wednesday, we went to Funderland. All of my friends from school were supposed to come with us, but most of them cancelled so we were a fairly small group... Unfortunately my sister got sick because of all the rides and I felt really bad for her. After three hours, all of us had enough and we were quite happy to go home!
But that wasn't the end of the day. In the evening all my friends came to our house and we watched a movie. It was so nice for me to spend time with all my friends together.
On Thursday we went up to Cork. We went to Penney's, Gloria and Jean's and we had an amazing dinner in Wagamama's! My friends also wanted to see the people busking but they weren't that many that day.
My host mum was off work on Friday so she took all of us to Kinsale. I hadn't seen Kinsale myself so that was an experience for me as well :) We also put our feet into the freezing water, so we could say we were swimming in the Atlantic Ocean :)

Smile, so no one can see how cold the water was! xD
Yeah that was Friday nearly over and for the last night we went downtown and had Pizza. The week was flying but I think we all had a great time! It wasn't always easy to make everyone happy but I tried my best and I think it worked out more or less.
There were some tears at the airport but the thoughts of seeing them again in two months made me stop very quickly.
On Easter I was exhausted. I became way too much chocolate and whereas we get chocolate bunnies in Switzerland I got eggs over here.
The following Friday we went to Waterford. It's a really cute city! We visited Waterford Crystal and got a really good tour around. We had dinner in one of the nicest Italian restaurants! The food was delicious and the waitresses were even nicer :P After a very short night I felt very tired and sick so we were driving home straight away the next day. As soon as we were home, I went to bed and slept for a few hours...
And then on Monday, school started again... I got used to the daily routine pretty quickly and I was very happy when I got 100% in a poetry exam higher level English I didn't even study for!
On Friday night I went to the school voluntarly to see High School Musical! It was definitly worth going!
Amy's niece organised a coffee morning to raise money to go to India in the summer and the cakes were marvellous! It is a very nice feeling to be included in some family activities as well and to feel like a part of the family :)
Last weekend my host family took me to Dublin again! I went to the Guinness Brewery, I saw the Book of Kells and the graveyard where Micheal Collin was burried. The day we were up in Dublin, Passenger was busking and Amy had the chance to see him! (I'm only a little bit jealous xD)
On Sunday we went to the Navy Base to see the new Navy ship. We were the first people from the public that were allowed on it and we were even allowed to have a look at the bridge! It was impressing!
Now, that's it for the moment and I'm sorry if that looks more like a travelling entry than a blog... I hope have the deducation to write another blog soon enough. But so far, I'm going to enjoy the last few weeks in Ireland. There isn't too much left :/
Thanks for reading!!
