Special Days

10th December 2013
Enough time to write another post :)
As you might know my birthday was last week, I finished my Christmas exams and we went to Dublin!!
To be honest I was a bit worried about my birthday because I never celebrated it away from home. I thought I will miss my family and friends terribly that day, but surprisingly I didn't. In Switzerland the 6th of December is St. Nikolaus Day and all children get presents of St. Nikolaus. So I was quite suprised when my host mum organised a present for Amy and me because of St. Nikolaus. It was sooo sweet! In the evening we went out for a diner. The food was delicious. To surprise me they organised a cake which was brought to our table.
 I was surprised how many texts and messages I got saying Happy Birthday. Thanks to everyone!
On Monday I got a present of my parents too containing a huge amount of Swiss chocolate.
The absolute best host sister in the world
(I hope you see that now Amy ;))

An annoying camera is everywhere ;))

The cake
Saturday was a very busy day. I baked the first Christmas cookies of the year and the whole family helped to prepare for a small birthday party. I invited some girls from my school to a pizza/movie night. We had great fun especially the prank calls were hilarious. Unfortunately they didn't want to tell us how much for posting and packaging for living chicken ;))
Foto: How much is posting and packaging?;))
From the left to the right: Niamh, Amy, Me, Alex and Camille
(sorry for the Christmas tree ;))
After four hours of sleep we went to Dublin! I slept all the time driving up there but Dublin itself was class. We went to the Disneystore, ate lunch at Captain America and listened to musicians.
Avicii - Wake Me Up

University of Dublin

I really enjoyed it the only hard thing was going to school after this weekend. I was so tired but I managed not to fall asleep during class ;))
That's it for the moment. Thanks for reading!
