
30th December
The last post in 2013!
I wanted to write this post way earlier but somehow I kept forgetting.
Because of some sad events my holidays started on Thursday. As I told you before we went to see the Christmasmarket in Cork on the weekend but I expected more and I was quite disappointed. There was a decorated park next to it. The theme was Ireland/Christmas. It was sweet but Amy told me, the one last year was way better.
On Sunday I went for a walk because I was pretty homesick. Later on I realised it was the day I was in Ireland for exactly four months. In one way I am happy I didn't realise but it made me a bit sad as well. I felt as if I was cheating my family not remembering this day. I know it sounds stupid...
But, my sister and two of my friends are definitely coming over in April. I can't wait to see them and to show them Ireland!!
In Switzerland, Christmas Eve is the main feast, so I decided to skype with my family this evening. As well I got some presents from Switzerland I opened then. After I talked a while to my family I had to finish because we went out for dinner. Preparations for Christmas dinner took nearly the whole day so my host family is going out every Christmas Eve. After, I watched Edward Scissorhands with Amy.
On Christmas we got up at seven o'clock because Amy's dad was working during the night and wanted to see us opening our present. I am not used to this amount of present and I was shocked how much I got! My host mum always said, she'll treat me the same way as her own daughter and that's exactly what she did!
Our wonderful Christmas tree

Some of the presents, there were to many to put on one picture.

I do not know how I take all this things home...
After we opened all our presents we had a delicious breakfast. The non-vegetarians had ham, eggs, toast and tea. Amy and I had Panettone.
At two o'clock we had our Christmas dinner. There was turkey, ham, mashed potato and vegetables. Amy and I had a nutloaf instead of the meat. It was delicious!! For dessert we had a Christmas Pudding. You pour whisky onto the Pudding and then set fire to it. Because it was my first Irish Christmas I was the one who set fire.
Amy's Nan from England visited us for Christmas and she wanted to see the speech of the Queen so we had to finish our meal before 3 p.m.
There are also Christmas Crackers, which are typical for Ireland. They contain a paper crown and my family made me wear mine...
And then after the dinner the day we were looking forward to was already over...
On the day after Christmas, St. Stephen's day we ate another Christmas dinner and the whole family watched Catch me if you can.
I used my free time to skpye with a friend form Switzerland. Unfortunately I couldn't hear her half the time but that made it even funnier.
In the end I have to say I had a great Christmas and I didn't feel homesick at all even though I was expecting it.
This Sunday I was skyping with my family and we worked out what we are going to do, when they are coming over to visit me at the end of the school year. We have now a vague plan where we are going to...
That's it for the moment, I hope you enjoyed reading :))
