
25th October 2013

Is fearr Gaeilge briste, ná Béarla clíste. - Broken Irish is better than clever English.

Dia dhuit
I wanted to write on Tuesday but somehow I didn't have time, but the holidays started so I have time to write a long post.
As I told you before I went to Cork this weekend. Cork is the second largest city of Ireland and only half an hour away! Amy had to go to a Halloween store. There are stores that are only open for Halloween. Crazy isn't it? We met Alex in the city and we had a really good time. We had a Japanese meal and I am sure we went to every store in Cork. Alex spent the summer in Freiburg to improve her German. We sometimes speak German togehter.
The food is surprisingly good and the saying Irish food is not eatable is false! Even to be a vegetarian isn't a problem at all.
My host mum and I wanted to go for a walk on Sunday but when we reached the harbour we heard cannon shot. I got a fright and so did my host mum but she told me after that this was the "goodbye" of a naval ship. After fourteen other shoots and some Russian songs the ship left.
In Ireland I am attending seven different subjects. Compared to Switzerland where we have to do about fourteen subjects shouldn't the seven be too bad. I am doing English, Maths, Geography, Biology, French, History, Religion and I have to go to Irish lesson but I can do my homework. 
In the last Irish lesson before the holidays we played a game. The teacher gave English words to the students and they had to translate them. Honestly I don't understand one word of the Irish language. Therefor I was quite shocked when the teacher said the next question's for me. She wanted to know how you say I am here in Irish. I knew it because you have to say it in the beginning of every class.
Someone wanted to teach me how to say hello in Irish. I learnt it quite quickly but in the end he told me that he thought me how to say give me a kick in the ass instead of hello. Thanks anyway...
There's something else I wanted to tell you; people start now to tell me I am speaking in an Irish/Cork accent. So you might laught about my English when I come back to Switzerland...
But I really feel at home and it's not that special anymore to speak English all the time. Mid term break starts now and we have a week off school. We have about fourteen pumpkins at home at the moment. We'll  be busy carving them.
That's it already...
