Candy Corn

18th October 2013
I am sorry I didn't write for such a long time. Halloween is coming closer and therefor Amy and I made Candy Corn today. I normally don't like Halloween that much but Ireland is famous for its Halloween (parties). I'll try to enjoy it as much as possible. The students get one week off school because of Halloween. That's the thing I am looking forward to at the moment. My host family is buying a lot of decoration for the garden and the house. I presume it'll look fabulous. I have to dress up but I still don't know what to wear... Amy is going to dress up as a Zombie Marylin Monroe. The fake blood already frightened me ;)
Back to the Candy Corn: I am sure you know it is an American thing and it consist mainly of sugar, sugar, sugar and icing sugar. There's a tiny little bit of butter in it as well. Sweeter isn't possible.
The Candy Corn before we cut it.
The cut Candy Corn
It was great fun but my hand is still yellow because of the colour.
I'm going to Cork with Amy and a friend from school tomorrow. Up to now it was a bit difficult to make friends over here. It's probably because with Amy I already have a best friend. I think tomorrow is a good time to make some more friends.
At the moment lots of people are asking how long I am staying for. When I tell them I am going to stay for the whole school year I can literally see the surprise. The next question is always the same: "But you are going home for Christmas, aren't you?"... No, I am not, I am staying. I think I don't have to tell you about the reactions...
There's still this thing about homesickness. You might thing I should enjoy that year and make the best out of it. Sometimes I just can't help it and I am missing Switzerland terribly. But I am trying hardly and the EF Slogan says exactly how I want to think about this year:
It's not wrong, it's not right. It's just different!
I am trying!
