Where has the time gone?

21st September 2013
One month is nearly over and I don't have a clue where the time's gone. I feel as if I just arrived. But it's not a negative feeling it's more like everything is still new and interesting. I couldn't get on better with my host family, I am treated like an own child. I didn't feel homesick yet or just a little bit anyway.
To see as much as possible of Ireland we are doing something every weekend. Last week we went to Spike Island. Spike Island was a prison and military island.
One of the best things about Cobh is the sea. On a sunny day it looks just beautiful.
Back to Spike, it was a monastery before smuggler used it as their base. In 1779, it was bought by the British but it became part of Ireland later on again. Later on it was used as a military base and a prison. Since 2004 it is open for tourists.
Cobh seen from Spike
Flag on the ship
Entrance to the harbour (Have a look at the blue sky!)
Who thinks there is rain in Ireland all the time is definitely wrong. Rain is quite rare in summer! It normally starts in January but it's not the rain we know it more wet fog all the time.
To get not bored I went horse-riding last Saturday. I got a tiny pony but it was actually great fun!  Especially the part along the sea! I'm trying now to find a stable that's nearer to Cobh so I can go every week.
That's it for the moment. Hope you enjoyed it!

