Three Weeks

August, 1st
Three weeks and what's going to happen then? My biggest adventure begins! Do you want to know what is going on during this year? Come on and save this page!
My name is Jana, I am 16 and I live in Switzerland. My first language is German. At the moment I am attending the Kantonsschule Zofingen. My adventure I am talking about is an exchange year in Ireland, the green, rainy, beautiful island. It's exactly three weeks to go today. I am leaving Switzerland on the 22nd of August. Three weeks seem like a long, long time but in fact it's way too short. I wish to see all my friends again, to throw a leaving party and of course my bags have to be packed as well.
On the other hand is my departure too long away and I wish I could just go and leave today so badly.
During these days now, I am a bit worried as well and I'm wondering how it's going to be to say goodbye to my family and my friends for one whole year. Will I get on with my host family? Will I be able to talk in English all the time? I think though it's normal to be a bit worried and all in all I am looking forward.
I want to tell you the whole story from the beginning: I just changed school in summer 2012 and I was sure I'm only gonna spend a year there. An exchange year was my dream for years. First steps to make an exchange year become reality have to be taken a year before departure. You have to decide where you want to go and which organisation are you going to choose? I finally decided to go to the UK. I've already sent my application when I changed my mind and decided to go Ireland. I took this decision because I want to learn English without leaving Europe. Irish people are known for their friendliness and their humour and it's the country of horses so I was content with my decision.
Work started after I made up my mind. I attended an information evening of EF. It was quite interesting but still very vague. The organisation EF seemed to be the right organisation and I enrolled for my exchange year.
I travelled to Bern because EF people wanted to get to know me and talk to me. I was quite nervous because I knew they will make me write a letter in English and they will examine my spoken English. Two hours later everything was over and I just had to wait until they decided if I'm able to go. And yes they told me my adventure is going to start in August. To find a family who suited me I had to fill out an application. It took me a good while because I didn't want to make any mistakes. Even a visit at the doctor's was necessary. Everything was okay so the only thing left to do was signing the regulation of EF.
After, I didn't hear anything of EF for a long time. I hoped that I get my host family before July. Just before the beginning of the spring holidays I got a letter saying a family chose me. I was absolutely happy. They told me I'll have a host sister the same age as me, a host mum and a dog. Immediately I sent an E-Mail and I got an answer soon. My host family was looking forward to meet me. I couldn't wait to leave now... Another four months to wait was definitely too long!!
I kept more or less in touch with my host family during these four months. In July I had to attend a preparation camp. An alumni gave some advices and we were reminded how to handle different situations. Surprisingly I met a girl who's going to the same village and the same school as me. I kept in touch with her and I was happy to know someone already.
Then two weeks ago, I got the information about my flight! I'll take off at 7 a.m. All the EF exchange students will travel together and we'd meet up at 4.45 a.m. Way tooo early, isn't it ;)
That's it so far, I hope you enjoyed it and the next post will be written in Ireland. Some pictures will follow, I promise.
